Example pipelines

A list of repositories containing example pipelines.

Languages and frameworks

:bash: Bash A simple bash example with artifacts, inline images and shell output github.com/buildkite/bash-example

:bazel: Bazel Building with Bazel on Buildkite github.com/buildkite/bazel-example

:python: Python - pipenv An example of testing a Python project w/ pipenv github.com/buildkite/python-pipenv-example

:python: Python - Docker An example of testing a Python project w/ Docker and pipenv github.com/buildkite/python-docker-example

:bash: Bash - Parallel Another simple bash example that runs across multiple agents in parallel github.com/buildkite/bash-parallel-example

:ruby: Ruby - rbenv An example of testing a Ruby project w/ rbenv github.com/buildkite/ruby-rbenv-example

:ruby: Ruby - Docker An example of testing a Ruby project w/ Docker github.com/buildkite/ruby-docker-example

:rails: Rails - Parallel An example of testing a Rails project in parallel w/ Knapsack github.com/buildkite/rails-parallel-example

:rails: Rails - Parallel w/ Docker An example of testing a Rails project in parallel w/ Knapsack & Docker github.com/buildkite/rails-docker-parallel-example

:nodejs: Node.js An example of testing a Node.js project github.com/buildkite/nodejs-example

:nodejs: Node.js - Docker An example of testing a Node.js project w/ Docker github.com/buildkite/nodejs-docker-example

:golang: Go An example of testing a Go project github.com/buildkite/golang-example

:golang: Go - Docker An example of testing a Go project w/ Docker github.com/buildkite/golang-docker-example

:fastlane: Xcode - Fastlane An example of building and testing a Fastlane project github.com/buildkite/buildkite-fastlane-demo

:gradle: Gradle - Docker An example of building a Gradle project github.com/buildkite/gradle-docker-example

Step types and techniques

:rspec: RSpec & JUnit Build Annotations Annotating a build with JUnit test failure information github.com/buildkite/rspec-junit-example

:buildkite: Artifact Uploading and Downloading Uploading and downloading artifacts between build pipeline steps github.com/buildkite/artifacts-example

:buildkite: Block steps An example of how to include block steps with form fields in your pipeline github.com/buildkite/block-step-example

:buildkite: Input steps An example of how to include input steps with form fields in your pipeline github.com/buildkite/input-step-example

:buildkite: Group steps An example of how to group steps in a pipeline github.com/buildkite/group-step-example

:buildkite: Dependent Pipelines Triggering another pipeline from a pipeline github.com/buildkite/dependent-pipeline-example

:buildkite: Dynamic Pipelines Generating a pipeline's steps programmatically at run-time github.com/buildkite/dynamic-pipeline-example

:buildkite: Static Site Deployment Deploying a static site using rsync with dynamic branch to subdomain mappings github.com/buildkite/static-site-deployment-example

:buildkite: Pre-Command Environment variable Setting environment variables with a repository hook github.com/buildkite/repo-hook-example

:buildkite: Targeting specific agents Run command steps only on specific agents gist.github.com/toolmantim/1337952c8b5b1e5b0b5ea10c40e9efe4

Third-party tools

Jobsworth Uses dynamic pipelines for defining high level build and deploy processes github.com/saymedia/jobsworth

template.yml files

All of the examples contain a buildkite/template.yml file so that you can add the project to your Buildkite account using the 'Add to Buildkite' button in the readme. You don't need this file in your own projects.