Manage package repositories

This page provides details on how to manage package repositories within your Buildkite organization.

Create a repository

New repositories can be created using the package Repositories page of the Buildkite interface.

To create a new package repository:

  1. Select Packages in the global navigation to access the Repositories page.

    Note: Any previously created repositories are listed and can be accessed from this page.

  2. Select New repository.

  3. On the New Repository page, enter the mandatory name for your repository. Since repository names cannot contain spaces, hyphens will automatically be specified when the space key is pressed.

  4. Enter an optional Description for the repository. This description appears under the name of the repository item on the Repositories page.

  5. Select the required Repo Type based on the package ecosystem for this new repository.

  6. Select whether or not this repository should be Private. Leaving this checkbox clear will make the repository public.

  7. Select Create Repository.

    The new package repository's details page is displayed. Selecting Packages in the global navigation opens the Repositories page, where your new package repository will be listed.

Manage packages in a repository

Once a package repository is created, packages can then be uploaded to it. Learn more about how to manage packages for your repository's relevant package ecosystem:

Update a repository

Package repositories can be updated using the package Repositories page of the Buildkite interface, which lists all previously created repositories.

The following aspects of a package repository can be updated:

  • Name: be aware that changing this value will also change the URL, which in turn will break any existing installations that use this package repository
  • Description
  • Emoji: to change the emoji of the package repository from its default provided when the repository was created. The emoji appears next to the repository's name
  • Color: the background color for the emoji
  • Private: the privacy settings for the package repository—private or public
  • OIDC Policy: the policy defining how OpenID Connect tokens can be pushed to the package repository

The package repository's ecosystem type cannot be changed once the repository is created.

To update a package repository:

  1. Select Packages in the global navigation to access the Repositories page.
  2. Select the repository to update on this page.
  3. Select Edit and update the following fields as required:

    • Name (being aware of the consequences described above)
    • Description, which appears under the name of the repository item on the Repositories page, and on the repository's details page
    • Emoji and Color, which appears next to the repository's name and the color (in hex code syntax, for example, #FFE0F1) provides the background color for this emoji
    • Private, ensure this checkbox is selected to make or keep the package repository private or cleared to make or keep the repository public
    • OIDC Policy, modify accordingly
  4. Select Update Repository to save your changes.

    The package repository's updates will appear on the Repositories page, as well as the repository's details page.

Delete a repository

Package repositories can be deleted using the package Repositories page of the Buildkite interface, which lists all previously created repositories.

Deleting a package repository permanently deletes all packages contained within it.

To delete a package repository:

  1. Select Packages in the global navigation to access the Repositories page.
  2. Select the repository to delete on this page.
  3. Select Edit > Delete Repository.
  4. In the confirmation dialog, enter the name of the package repository, exactly as it is presented, and select Delete Repository.