
Buildkite Packages provides repository support for Maven-based packages for Java.

Once your Java (Maven) package repository has been created, you can upload packages (generated from your application's build) to this repository by configuring your ~/.m2/settings.xml and application's relevant pom.xml files with the XML snippets presented on your Java (Maven) package repository's details page.

To view and copy the required ~/.m2/settings.xml and pom.xml configurations:

  1. Select Packages in the global navigation to access the Repositories page.
  2. Select your Java (Maven) package repository on this page.
  3. Expand Publishing a package section and in the Using Maven section, use the copy icon at the top-right of each respective code box to copy the relevant XML snippets and paste them into their respective files.

These file configurations contain the following:

  • ~/.m2/settings.xml: the ID for your specific Java (Maven) package repository in Buildkite and authentication credentials (generated by Buildkite Packages) required to upload the package to this repository
  • pom.xml: the reference to the required Maven plugin (to upload the package), along with the ID and URL for your specific Java (Maven) package repository in Buildkite.

Publish a package

The following steps describe the process above:

  1. Copy, paste and modify the following XML snippet in your ~/.m2/settings.xml file:

    // Add to '~/.m2/settings.xml' under 'settings' xml tag
  2. Copy, paste and modify the following XML snippet in your pom.xml configuration file:

    // pluginsRepository: maven uses this plugin to push to repository
    // distributionManagement: 'maven deploy' pushes to this repository
  3. Publish your package:

    mvn deploy