
Buildkite Packages provides repository support for Debian-based packages (deb) in Debian and Ubuntu variants.

Once your deb (Debian and Ubuntu) package repository has been created, you can upload packages (generated from your application's build) to this repository via the curl command presented on your deb package repository's details page.

To view and copy this curl command:

  1. Select Packages in the global navigation to access the Repositories page.
  2. Select your deb package repository on this page.
  3. Expand Publishing a package section and use the copy icon at the top-right of the code box to copy this curl command and submit it to publish a package to your deb package repository.

This command provides:

  • The specific URL to upload a package to your specific deb package repository in Buildkite.
  • The authentication credentials (generated by Buildkite Packages) required to upload packages to your deb package repository.

Publish a package

The following curl command (modified accordingly before submitting) describes the process above to publish a package to your deb package repository:

curl -X POST{org.slug}/{}/packages.json \
  -u "deb-package-repository-credentials" \
  -F "package[package_file]=@<path_to_file>"